Saturday, May 13, 2017

Fresh Off the Boat

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Fresh off the boat is a comedy about a immigrant family living in the U.S, first in Washington and later on in Orlando. Just as a lot of immigrant families due they have grandma living with them and she is very stereotypical, as well as some aspects of their lives. One very stereotypical scenario happened in school when their oldest son was paired with another Chinese student, they had nothing in common with each other since Eddie thinks he is black and is not as into science as his two younger brothers and the other kid is adopted by a Jewish couple. Jessica (the mom) describes herself and being very cheap, she funny, witty and very passionate about everything she does. In one of the episodes she worries she is not being Chinese enough and starts to dress in Chinese traditional clothing and even serves her kids chicken feet, she feel so bad that she likes mac and cheese. Louis (the dad) is an entrepreneur who stole the idea for his restaurant from a franchise owner after realizing he could not afford for pay for it. He is very laid back and is not as strict as Jessica with their children's academics. The two younger children Emery and Evan are as Eddie calls them "nerds" they get good grades, play instruments and love science fairs they are also good kids who are of no trouble to their parents. Eddie who is the oldest gets into trouble from time to time, does not do as great in school and listens to music that is not very traditional. 
The theme for this show is a new family moving to this country and achieving a middle class status right away, they also mentioned that both Jessica and Louis are college educated. They deal with the everyday struggle of adapting to a new culture without completely stripping of their old one and raising children in this country but teaching them to also know what it is to be Chinese. 
I liked this show, its something that I would watch on my own, as an immigrant with parents that have very different points of views from parents here I understand how hard it is to adapt. The daily life of people from other places I believe is so much interesting and challenging because of all the small things they have to deal with and try to get accustomed to while explaining to their kids how it is done back home or why they cannot do some of the things kids here are allowed to do. On some different aspects and some of the same it reminds me of my family. even though we come from a different culture I believe some of the basics apply to all immigrants. 

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