Saturday, May 13, 2017

Better Luck Tomorrow

Image result for better luck tomorrow

This movie is about a group of kids from a suburban neighborhood who are very smart. All of them are Chinese and the girl Stephanie is adopted, they don't really go into details about their family dynamics but its mentioned that as long as they do well in school they are allowed to be out as late as they want and therefore have more freedom to do as they want. They have a group where they compete with other schools, the same group has extravagant parties and start committing crimes all because they get bored. At first they start with small crimes and move up to drugs, once they realize they are in too deep one of them decides that he wants out. To my surprise he was actually allowed to be out with no re-precaution and their group sort of disintegrates. Stephanie is the only girl in the group and she is in because she is smart, the guys like her and is lab partner with one of them. The guy that likes her knows her boyfriend as well who is like them also an overachiever but a lot richer. Stephanie's boyfriend is not the jealous type but also because he goes out with other girls, his life is so perfect that he gets bored. One day Stephanie's boyfriend convinces the guy to commit one last crime to help him and it is to rob his parent's house because as they put it he feels like they don't spend enough time with him. The guys go through with it and things get out of control. the guy that likes Stephanie ends up killing her boyfriend and hiding the body in someone's backyard while at the same time lying to Stephanie about it. 
The theme of the movie is the life of privileged rich kids, who can have whatever they want but choose to do wrong simple because they can.
I liked how this movie portrays them as teenagers and not as stereotypical Asians, they are just kids being kids and making mistakes. The movie focuses on them and not on where they come from or their families and how they are different from everyone else, instead of finding differences it finds similarities among them. 

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